It is our goal to reach out to families in Christian love, create an environment where children feel secure, develop a sense of self-worth, and confidently meet new challenges and learning experiences. Our program also focuses on Kindergarten readiness.
Daily Activities
Our developmentally-centered approach allows for a balance between child-initiated and teacher-planned activities. A daily routine provides children with a sense of comfort and stability and includes the following (and more!):
Jesus time - learning to live each day more like Jesus
Large-motor play – developing skills in the gym and on the playground
Music time – singing, playing instruments, and experiencing various music styles
Story time – fostering the love of reading Snack time – practicing table manners and informal conversation
Center time – exploring on their own in learning centers
In House Field Trips – learning from visitors who come to the classroom (eg. fireman, policeman)
Available Classes
Classes begin in late August. All classes are completed by the end of May. A child must be three or four by July 31st and toilet trained. Parents may choose:
